Wednesday, 27 May 2015


The recent state of events in the african political scene have shown without a doubt that africa is still a todler in the field of democracy.
Almost every african's definatation of Democracy lingers around the notion of free and fair elections,just that! But is an election all that democracy entails?
I like to look at democracy as what happens besides election, do leaders serve the people in the positions they are elected into with integrity and effectively? Do these leaders respect the people who are infact their employers? Are these leaders accountable and honest to the people?  And is the will of the people upheld? If the answer to these questions is yes,then that is democracy,forget the shenanigans of free and fair elections and the democratic right and duty to vote,the question is do they make the votes count?
The time when us as africans and their leaders understand this simple breakdown of democracy,is when we stop putting incompetent people into positions of power. When we stop funding toothless organs like the AU (african union) and the EAC (east african community) for instance that have stayed quiet  despite the ongoing unrest in Burundi or even the terrorism problem in kenya. until they show taxpayers value for their burdened load of taxes,then,only then can we say we have achieved democracy,otherwise it would be a lie in my view,to call any african nation democratic at the moment

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